Life is too short quotes

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When we most need it, inspirational quotations can boost our motivation and foster a good view on life and work. They achieve this by utilizing the force of optimistic thought. A crucial first step to living a happy and prosperous life is to retrain our minds to think in a positive way. When you choose your response to any given circumstance, you are making a decision. Your natural response will be to focus on the bad aspects of every circumstance if you are choosing—sometimes unconsciously—to be critical and whine.

No matter how absurd something may seem, when you consciously choose to think positive, you will turn it into a development plan that will help you improve as a leader and problem-solver. Over time and by changing the way you think about issues, you will become more motivated, inspired, and able to face any challenges that come your way!

As you read this collection of top motivational quotes in English I suggest you take note of some great motivational and inspirational quotes that speak to you and your current circumstances. Once you’ve written them down, choose the most inspiring passage or idea, read it out loud, and then make an honest effort to understand its meaning. These motivational sayings and inspirational quotes may come in handy on a bad day when you need a little extra support and motivation! Read them, make notes and consult them again and again.


Inspirational Quotes

Positive thinking has incredible power. When you think about a happy memory, your brain releases endorphins. Endorphins give you a feeling of overall well-being. You can change your life and your mindset by adopting a positive attitude. But when we’re sad it’s often hard to think about positive things. That’s why it can be useful to have some encouraging motivational sayings or motivational quotes handy for such situations. Here is a compilation of some of my favorite inspirational quotes, which include short sayings that are highly applicable to motivational sayings that are primarily about business and life in general.


Inspirational Quotes For Your Personal Life

  1. “You’re told the world has a particular appearance. It’s what parents tell you to think. You learn how to think in school. TV. Faith. If you’re lucky, you’ll eventually come to the realization that you are capable of making your own decisions. Only you determine the rules. Designing your own life is possible.
  2. While some women choose to follow men, others decide to pursue their own aspirations. If you’re unsure about your next step, keep in mind that your career won’t suddenly decide it doesn’t love you anymore.
  3. “Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans.”
  4. Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”― George Bernard Shaw
  5. “Everything that you have ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, or forgotten is all there in you. Every experience has an impact on us, so I make an effort to have good ones whenever possible.


Inspirational Quotes For Positive Thinking

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.”

Shadows will fall behind you if you face the sunshine at all times.

“You’re right, regardless of whether you believe you can or cannot.”

Your talent determines your capabilities. The amount you’re willing to do depends on your motivation. Your level of success is determined by your mindset.


“The caliber of your thoughts determines the happiness you experience in life.”

“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible!’”

Inspirational Quotes For Happiness

“You are who God intended you to be. Move as though no one is around. As though love were all you knew. Dream as though you will always live. Live as though today is your last.


“You do not find the happy life. You make it.”
“You have to love like you’ll never be wounded, dance like no one is watching, Live like it’s heaven on earth and sing like no one else is listening.

“Happiness is not a prefabricated state. It results from your own deeds.

Inspirational Quotes For Dark Times

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.”

“Make success out of failures. Two of the most reliable stepping stones to success are discouragement and failure.

Failure teaches you more than success does. Refuse to let that deter you. Character is developed through failure.

Children are not taught that dragons exist in fairy tales. Youngsters are aware that dragons exist already. Children are taught in fairytales that dragons are slayable.


“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”

Inspirational Quotes From Fairy Tales

“Doing something because it’s done doesn’t always mean it should be done!”— Cinderella
Life is like a sunny day when you have a smile on your face and music playing. Your worries go. – Snow White
“Going back to yesterday is pointless because I was a different person then.” — Alice, Wonderland Alice


“You’ll know more at the end of the story than you do right now.” – The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen
Saying “I will” instead of “I wish” is the most crucial thing to do in life. Think nothing is impossible, and then approach possibilities as likely. – Author Charles Dickens


Inspirational Quotes For Risk-Taking

“Live as though you will die tomorrow, and learn as if you will live forever.” ― The Mahatma Gandhi
Our lives only get better when we take chances. Being honest is the first and most challenging risk we must take. — Anderson Walter
“If we have the courage to pursue our dreams, they can all come true.”- Disney

Step away from your comfort zone. The only way to progress is to embrace the discomfort and awkwardness that come with trying something new.- Brian Tracy
“Overcoming fear is everything you’ve ever desired.”- George Addair


Inspirational Quotes To Build Confidence

Never stoop your head down. Hold it high at all times. Look directly into the eyes of the world.— Helen Keller
“When we sit, we create fears. We take measures to defeat them. Nature uses fear as a cue to motivate us to move. — Dr. Henry Link
“A man who is confident in himself wins other people’s confidence.” – Hasidic saying
“Your lack of skill can be compensated for with drive, perseverance, and always giving your all.” — Don Zimmer
“Pretend to succeed until you do! Up until it actually happens, pretend to have all the confidence you need. — Brian Tracy

“Girlishness is genius, perfection is beauty, and it’s better to be completely ridiculous than completely boring.”― Marilyn Monroe
“May the decisions you make represent your hopes, not your fears.” – The late Nelson Mandela
Always keep in mind that you have a duty to be an individual in addition to the right to do so. Without doing this, you are unable to contribute anything meaningful to life. – Eleanor Roosevelt
“Becoming your true self as an adult requires courage.” — Cummings, E.E.
“To be a winner, you have to plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win, even though you were born to win.” Zig Ziglar


Inspirational Quotes To Help You Excel

“Excellence can be attained by pursuing perfection; perfection is unachievable.”— Lombardi Vince
“Let’s shape our future together, and let’s turn our dreams into reality tomorrow.” — Malala Yousafzai
“Starting with the best course of action is to stop talking and start acting.” Walt Disney
High standards are set by leaders. Refuse to accept subpar work or mediocrity. — Brian Tracy
“The important thing is to get back up after being knocked down, not to stay down.” –Lombardi Vince
“The longest-lasting change is often brought about by tiny steps, not by huge leaps.” — The Queen, II


Inspirational Quotes To Overcome Bad News

“There are moments when we have to turn the knob to open another door after one closes.” — J.A. Tran
“Although I can’t control the wind, I can always adjust my sails to get where I’m going.” — Jimmy Dean
“Avoid letting too much of yesterday consume today.” — Will Rogers
“We must not give up even though we may face numerous setbacks.” Maya Angelou
“The word failure is never used by leaders. They view failures as teaching opportunities. — Brian Tracy


Inspirational Quotes For Positive Thoughts

“We become the thoughts we entertain” — Nightingale, Earl
“The only restrictions on your potential are those you impose on your own thinking.” — Brian Tracy
“One finds inspiration inside oneself. One must have optimism. Positive thinking brings excellent things into your life. – Roy Deep

“Optimism is the faith that brings about success. Without confidence and optimism, nothing is possible. — Helen Keller
“Cultivate a grateful mindset. Express gratitude to everyone you encounter for all of your efforts. — Brian Tracy


Inspirational Quotes To Stay Motivated

“What was impossible yesterday was possible today.” — Harold Schuller
“Those with competence will rule the future. Be the best; strive to be the best. — Brian Tracy
You are the source of both success and happiness. Make the decision to remain joyful, and you will become an unstoppable force against adversity. — Helen Keller
“In the long term, courage is easier and more exhilarating than fear. We don’t have to turn become heroes right away. Taking each situation one step at a time, realizing it’s not as bad as it seems, and that we have the power to confront it head-on. – Eleanor Roosevelt
“Hundreds of people have succeeded in similar circumstances for every reason it’s not possible.” – Jack Canfield


Famous Quotes From Successful People

Inspiration leads and inspires you to overcome obstacles on your path to achievement. Discover the insights of prosperous individuals who have not only attained greatness but have also inspired others by their example.

Inspirational Quotes By William James

“More than anything else, our mindset at the start of a challenging task will determine its successful completion.” — William James
“Belief is the source of actual fact.” — William James
“Behave as though your actions have an impact. Yes, it does. – William James
“Choosing one thought over another is our best defense against stress.”William James
“You can alter your life if you can alter your mind.”William James


Inspirational Quotes By Henry David Thoreau

“My experiment taught me, at the very least, that if one pursues their dreams with confidence and makes an effort to live the life they have imagined, they will experience success that is beyond ordinary expectations.”Thoreau, Henry David
“Our characters’ touchstones are their dreams.”Thoreau, Henry David
Your efforts shouldn’t be lost if you have constructed castles in the sky; that is where they belong. Place the foundations beneath them now. Thoreau, Henry David
“As if it were possible to kill time without harming eternity.” Thoreau, Henry David
“The only way to heal love is to love more.” Thoreau, Henry David


Inspirational Quotes By Oprah Winfrey

“Your life is what you make of it. Keep the script you write original. — Oprah Winfrey
Think like a royalty. A queen doesn’t mind failing. Another step on the path to greatness is failure. — Oprah Winfrey
“Transform your scars into knowledge.” – Oprah Winfrey
“You’re in the best position for the next moment when you do your best right now.” Oprah Winfrey
“Acting honorably knowing that no one will find out if you did it or not” is what true integrity is all about.Oprah Winfrey

Inspirational Quotes About Life By Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Our greatest accomplishment is not never failing but rather getting back up after every setback.” — Emerson, Ralph Waldo
“Drink the wild air, swim in the sea, and live in the sunshine.” — Emerson, Ralph Waldo
“Without enthusiasm, nothing great has ever been accomplished.” — Emerson, Ralph Waldo
“Life is not a destination; it is a journey.” — Emerson, Ralph Waldo


Inspirational Quotes By Albert Einstein

“Living is similar to riding a bike.” You have to move in order to maintain your equilibrium.Albert Einstein
“Imagination is intellect having fun.” – Albert Einstein
“The same thinking that created our problems cannot be used to solve them.” – Albert Einstein
“The key to everything is imagination. It provides a sneak peek at what is ahead in life’s attractions. – Albert Einstein
“No one has ever tried anything new who has never made a mistake.” – Albert Einstein


Motivational Quotes

Like the inspiring quotations above, motivational quotes aim to compel action. You might be inspired to become the best version of yourself by these quotes.

Allow your optimism and enthusiasm to motivate you and guide you to success in other areas. That’s my preferred strategy for succeeding.

We’ve included these quotes to inspire you to perform at your best. When you need inspiration to work for your objectives, read these.

Only after you undergo internal transformation can you experience exterior change. Take action right now, and observe how the world starts to transform around you!

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Final Word

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